Was heißt Justierung? - Chiropraxis - Subluxationskorrektur

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  • If you look up the definition of the word "adjustment", you will find something like this, "The act of adjusting. To bring into proper relationship." And that is exactly what Chiropractors do. They adjust the subluxation in order to bring it into proper relationship with the rest of the spine. "Adjustment" is a Chiropractic word. Chiropractors adjust.

What do you mean, "adjustment"?

Dr. D.D. Palmer, the Founder of Chiropractic wrote, "Why treat the effects? Why not adjust the cause?"1

We Chiropractors are quite particular about using the word "adjustment" to describe what we do rather than the word "treatment".

If you look up the definition of the word "treatment", you will find something like this, "Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury2." "Treatment" is a medical word. Medical doctors treat.

If you look up the definition of the word "adjustment", you will find something like this, "The act of adjusting. To bring into proper relationship."3 And that is exactly what Chiropractors do. They adjust the subluxation in order to bring it into proper relationship with the rest of the spine. "Adjustment" is a Chiropractic word. Chiropractors adjust.

In Chiropractic today, there are dozens of different techniques used to adjust subluxations. Some techniques analyze and adjust the full spine while others concentrate on particular regions of the spine. Some techniques use soft touch while contacting very specific points on the spine, while others use small high velocity low amplitude thrusts. Chiropractic means literally "done by hand" and most techniques utilize only the hands to adjust. However, many techniques also use instruments to reduce subluxations. Not all techniques work for all patients but all techniques work. So it really doesn't matter what technique your Chiropractor uses, as long as it is used to detect and adjust subluxations, and that it works for you.

1 - The Chiropractors'Adjustor, D.D. Palmer, 1910

2 - The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

3 - The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

What do you mean, "adjustment"?

Dr. D.D. Palmer, the Founder of Chiropractic wrote, "Why treat the effects? Why not adjust the cause?"1

We Chiropractors are quite particular about using the word "adjustment" to describe what we do rather than the word "treatment".

If you look up the definition of the word "treatment", you will find something like this, "Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury2." "Treatment" is a medical word. Medical doctors treat.

If you look up the definition of the word "adjustment", you will find something like this, "The act of adjusting. To bring into proper relationship."3 And that is exactly what Chiropractors do. They adjust the subluxation in order to bring it into proper relationship with the rest of the spine. "Adjustment" is a Chiropractic word. Chiropractors adjust.

In Chiropractic today, there are dozens of different techniques used to adjust subluxations. Some techniques analyze and adjust the full spine while others concentrate on particular regions of the spine. Some techniques use soft touch while contacting very specific points on the spine, while others use small high velocity low amplitude thrusts. Chiropractic means literally "done by hand" and most techniques utilize only the hands to adjust. However, many techniques also use instruments to reduce subluxations. Not all techniques work for all patients but all techniques work. So it really doesn't matter what technique your Chiropractor uses, as long as it is used to detect and adjust subluxations, and that it works for you.

1 - The Chiropractors'Adjustor, D.D. Palmer, 1910

2 - The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

3 - The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary



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65719 Hofheim

Tel: +49 6192 977 922 2


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8am - 12pm

8am - 12pm & 3pm - 7pm

8am - 12pm